Sunday, August 8, 2010

Great Sunday!

I think we all had a good night's sleep last night; everything from the man snoring next door (which we all heard, but no one is claiming it) to the 4am firecrackers all seems to filter into our rooms, but we were so tired that it didn't phase us too much.

After a nice breakfast at a local restaurant, we went to Brandon and Jenny's church.  It is a small church with wooden pews and friendly people.  We were greeted with hugs and handshakes by the congregation, and then when it was time to say hello to the people next to you, we were greeted with more friendly hugs and handshakes. They had a guest pastor today, and he spoke on how your relationship with Christ affects everything from you to your neighbors; it was very powerful and pertinent.  Jenny taught the Sunday school class, and today not only did the kids have a great lesson form Jenny, but they also washed two cars that were parked in the courtyard between the church and Sunday school rooms. Hey, this is Guatemala, and when the sermon lasts 2 hours, you do what you gotta do.  But - an amazing thing happened today at the end of the service.  They did a few baby dedications, and there was a teenage young man up on the stage also. Well, today was the day that he gave his life to Christ!!  He prayed with the pastor, and now we have a new brother!!!  The amazing thing is that Jenny said that he had been helping her with Sunday school for a few Sundays. So, not only was Jenny being a witness to the children, but, unknown to her, she was sharing the gospel with this young man!

We spent the afternoon getting ready for our week at the orphanage. Brandon, Jenny, Melissa, Ryan, and Mike drove to the orphanage to see what we need to buy for the remodeling projects, while the rest of us stayed back at B&J's house with their kids. Those of us at the house practiced making our crafts, and played with the kids.  It was a great time for fellowship.

We then went to the Guatemala version of Wal-Mart to get some supplies and then to dinner at a taco place. Two local restaurants in one day; we'll see how well the Pepto is working by tomorrow.  Ron capped of the day with a great devotional based on the perspectives class.  All in all a great day.

We are all in good spirits and in good health.  God is so good.